
Dental Practice Management – Top 10 Reasons Why Dentistry Is So Stressful

Top 10 Reasons - Why Dentistry Is So Stressful & How to Tackle it ?
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5. Costs Again !!!

It’s Always About Money!

In slide 2 we discussed that dentistry needs a lot of investment. But the money point comes again.

It’s no doubt that a lot of financial investment is needed to open a decent clinic & practice. The expenditure of

The expenditure of

Finding a proper place + Paying Rent

Purchasing the required instruments

Interiors and more added expenditures with Monthly maintenance.

It’s expensive just to open the doors to your practice.

 But do You Know … What’s Even More Frustrating ???

Seeing The Patients Reaction on Hearing The Treatment Price !!!

“Its Too Costly Doc

Patients may never understand that dental fees are high for a reason.

Because its costs us dentists a fortune to open a patient friendly clinic. A dentist is in a perpetual state of not being understood.

Next Stress Point

Be Ready To Report On Duty AnyTime

6. Being On Call

“Reporting On Duty … Sir !!!”

(Sir = Patient) 😀

Yes, it’s true that being a dentist gives you flexible timing.

You are at liberty to decide your timings and are not answerable to anyone.

But it’s not always true.

Yes, you are still not answerable to anyone.

But if you are a new dentist in the market then you don’t have the luxury to close your clinic on a whim.

In fact, you might need to open your clinic on weekends just because of the fact other clinics might be closed.

Being on call on the weekends. Some people don’t mind this, but I hated it.

For me, my weekends were a break from my stressful week, and this “violated” that personal time.

But you must accept it because it is part of the job description.

Dentistry is not like other company based jobs where you just work for fixed hours and get a salary.

So if you are completely into clinical practice then it’s much more stressful as there is no support of the monthly salary or grade pay.

As a new entrant to dentistry, you don’t have the luxury to enjoy your weekends.

You are a soldier, ready for action at any moment.

Next Stress Point

Handling Annoying Patients

See Next Slide …

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