
Dental Practice Management – Top 10 Reasons Why Dentistry Is So Stressful

Top 10 Reasons - Why Dentistry Is So Stressful & How to Tackle it ?
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3. High Responsibility

You are in charge of someone’s health.

Administering anesthesia, prescribing drugs, and essentially performing surgery on teeth are all great responsibilities that are to be taken seriously.

On top of that, many times you will need to manage patients who are having underlying systemic conditions like diabetes, heart problems, blood disorders, etc.

Whenever you are doing some treatment you have to take into consideration all these factors.

It’s a high-stress situation and it puts a lot of responsibility on you as a dental surgeon.

When things go wrong, which they do– even when you do everything properly– it’s your responsibility.

It’s definitely challenging to deal with this responsibility. But again this takes its toll on your health and peace of mind.

4. Stress n Stress

We saw in the last slide -Dentistry deals with a high level of responsibility. You might be up for it but eventually, you will come under stress.

All jobs have stress but handling someone’s health is a lot more stressful.

With the high responsibility comes the high stress.  Not only is someone’s health in your hands, but this is similar to a customer service industry.

You have to keep the patient happy and manage all his/her fears.  If you do the right thing, this will generally work itself out, but sometimes there are patients that can never be pleased no matter what you do.

“Shit !!! It’s Too Much Stress !!! I don’t like it “

The pressure is on to do your best work in a limited amount of time, keep the customer happy, and manage your business.

The worst part is if you are not able to handle the pressure, it will eventually affect other aspects of your life as well.

Next Point of Stress

It’s Money All Over Again …

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