
Dental Practice Management – Top 10 Reasons Why Dentistry Is So Stressful

Top 10 Reasons - Why Dentistry Is So Stressful & How to Tackle it ?
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7. Really Annoying Patients

In Dentistry … Don’t ever think that you are the only deciding factor.

That’s like lying to yourself.

Your work & success is always viewed through external agents.

Here Agents = patients.

And You can think yourself as Neo.

No matter how great you want your work to be, you are not the only determining factor here. If a challenging patient makes it difficult for you to do your best work, chances are – the results might not be up to your expectations.

Few Irritating Questions from Annoying Patients:

“Why this Root Canal Is So Costly ?”

“Can’t you reduce some money for extraction ?”

“Sorry Doc … I know I have an appointment & you are waiting, but I can’t come today ?”

“Dentistry seems to be an easy work. Then why it’s so costly ?”

It’s the ultimate test of your patience

Your reaction In front of the patient – you are like this good boy

After the annoying patient leaves the clinic Your Reaction

Control … Control … Doctor 😀

8. The Yuck Factor

You might try to avoid this point but its a fact.

A fact like the fact that the sun rises in the east.

In developed countries, where the dental awareness in much higher, most of the patients visiting clinic have a decent enough oral hygiene.  (I mean most, not all)

But in developing countries like in South Asian Countries & India – it’s a yucky scenario.

The majority of the population (Urban + Rural) have the habit of pan chewing.

It’s a terror treating such patients.

Some patients are rude or idiot enough to consume kilos of onions, garlic in lunch before coming for their dental appointment.

What are they thinking !!!!!!

You might have to deal on a regular basis with bad breath, stinky people, and some really gross mouths.

When you’re used to practicing, the gross-out factor is pretty rare,

but time will come when you would almost throw up :O … Yuck …

See Next Stress Point

Are You Ready For The Stress & Ache?

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