
Dental Practice Management – Top 10 Reasons Why Dentistry Is So Stressful

Top 10 Reasons - Why Dentistry Is So Stressful & How to Tackle it ?
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9 & 10. Physical Stress and Risks

Dentistry can take a serious toll on your body.

You are trying to see and work in a very small space and often have to contort your body for long periods of time.  You have to be ready for the back pain.

The constant high-pitched buzz of the dental drill may lead to hearing loss.

And chances are good you will accidentally poke yourself with a needle or dental instrument, potentially leaving you exposed to a blood-borne illness.

The body aches can be counteracted with daily exercise and splurges such as massages.

The potential of hearing loss can be prevented with earplugs.  And the risks of getting HIV or Hepatitis are extremely low, but when it happens, it can lead to some unnerving emotions.

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