

10 Best Points - Why Being A Dentist Can be Great
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You just read around 10 best points … That Explains … What are the good points about Dentistry …

But One Point I think that is most important –

Dentistry involves healing people.

That has something magical about it.

It brings a lot of peace to mind.

When you go to sleep after a day of hard work and healing people …

you get the most peaceful sleep one can get ..

It’s as close as you can get to spirituality.

You have the chance to not only earn money but loads of blessings and good deeds.

And that is priceless.

No career is always 100 % good. There are Pros & Cons to every career. Same is the case with Dentistry. In this article we read about the good point. 

But what are the Bad points about Dentistry. Yes there are few.

Read them from this Article


(For Those – want to know the straight forward truth about a career in dentistry) If so, you’ll be happy to hear that US News and World Report recently crowned the dentist as the #1 best job of 2013 . It’s pretty hard to find a dentist that hates HIS/HER job, and even if they did, would they tell you?

This article is written by Lolabees.

(And has been published here with consent from the author with some addition in words and images by the editorial team at

I have come across many articles that talk about pros and cons of dentistry. But to state the truth I was never much convinced with any of those articles. Reason being none of the articles were close to what I personally felt about the profession. But then I came across this blog by  “Lolabees”.

She is a DDS & former dental professional who has 10 years of experience in clinical practice. But after a decade of dedicated dentistry, she has ventured into a new profession. I came across her blog on random browsing and soon I stopped being surprised at the large number comments from her readers. She has written some of the most relevant articles on dentistry but in a way that is related to the daily life of dental surgeons. She also writes about healthy food habits in her blog. 

We thank her for sharing her interesting thoughts and writings here at DentalOrg.Com. 

You can visit her blogs below


Dr. Laura Brenner aka Lolabees is a Dental Practioner (DDS) with 10 years of clinical experience. In this blog she shares her experiences on dentistry & career after dentistry.

You can also connect with her at her Facebook page

Lolabees | Facebook

Lolabees. 274 likes · 2 talking about this. Writer

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