

10 Best Points - Why Being A Dentist Can be Great
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8/9. Creativity & Solutions


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Everyday you get the chance to offer real, concrete solutions and actually fix things for people.

This is something you are doing directly for the people that is making a difference in their life.

You are a solution provider. Its some thing to be proud of and to cherish.


image credits : giphy

People may not realise that

there is a lot of creativity to being a dentist.

On some levels it’s very pragmatic and scientific, but the actual work is like carving or sculpting.

It is an art. 

You also have many opportunities to use your creativity for problem solving.

Dentistry in simple is many professions rolled together in a roll.

Dentistry = Artistry + Science + Biology + Engineering + Physics

For example : Take a simple case of carrying out a composite restoration in the anterior fractured upper central incisors.

Its just not a simple case restoration with a composite filling. 

First you will need to diagnose the tooth and asses its vitality.

You have to be certain that the tooth is viable for a restoration.

You will need to diagnose the fracture. All this diagnosis needs knowledge on the part of a dentist.

(Role of Science + Biology) ^

Then you need to assess and prep the tooth for restoration.

Does it need a Root Canal ? Is the pulp exposed ?

Then you need to do shade selection for the restorative material.

As a dentist you will be needed to understand the properties of the restorative material.

You will be needed use the composite perfectly so that the material stays strong once the patient starts using his/her mouth normally.

(Role of Engineering + Physics) ^

Finally a Dentist will be required to shape the composite material perfectly in to a shape mimicking the shape of a tooth. It has to be so perfect that no one can make out that the patient is having a restoration.

(Role of Art) ^

So, you see that there is a lot that takes even to do a simple restoration.

It does requires a lot of creativity.

Next Good Point : Always in Demand …

10. Demand

This is true.

People always need dental services.

And the way population is booming, there is hardly going to be any long-term dry period. People will always need health & dental care. That’s essential. It’s not an option that they can avoid dental treatment.

Of course, it seems there is a lot of competition out there now, but if you find your niche, the patients will come for treatment to your clinic.

Next: The Final Point …

The Best Point About Being A Dentist

See Next Slide

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