

10 Best Points - Why Being A Dentist Can be Great
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A day in the life of a dentist is always challenging and interesting.

No two days are ever the same for a dentist. 

When you think you’ve learned all there is to learn, you’ll see something new.

Its a challenge & adventure.

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So you are not bored & ready to face the challenges.

Being a dental surgeon you are constantly going to face dynamic situations.

For example : Simple caries, grossly decayed tooth, caries with abscess, wisdom tooth extraction etc. On top of that you will again need to carter to patients from all age category.

If you get a kid with tooth problem, be rest assured, it might be one of the most delicate dental work you might need to do and at the same time maintaining the patience to properly handle the emotions and phobia of a kid.

Do you deal well with change and constant learning? 

If you want life to be black and white, this isn’t for you.

But if you love the challenge of dealing different types of clinical cases then you will enjoy being a Dental Surgeon

Next Good Point – Lots of Excitement …

6. Excitement in Abundance

It’s a misnomer that dentistry as a profession gets boring. It’s the reverse.

If you have got the right attitude then dentistry can never be boring for you. In-fact you will enjoy dealing with different types of clinical cases and dealing with different types of patients. You will get immense satisfaction with the feeling that you are using your clinical knowledge to the benefit of people and also gaining name and money for yourself.

With the variety and different types of cases & persons –

there is hardly any chance for the work to be monotonous.

You wouldn’t expect it to be action-packed, but it’s not your average desk job pushing paper around.

There’s never a dull moment.

Whether it’s a kooky patient,

an assistant who calls in sick,

or an emergency root canal,

you will not get bored.

But there is a downside to it.

If you are not mentally strong or agile – all these managing and tackling different type of dental cases with different patients can definitely take a tool on you.

Unless you have the inherent joy in dealing with different type of clinical cases, you will get irritable in the long run.

But if you have the right attitude, fitting for a dentist, then every work day will be exciting.

The day will fly by, and there will be no chance to sit around, bored, staring at the clock waiting for the hours to pass you by.

Next Good Point  

Flexible Working Hours 

7. Great Hours

You can generally set your hours.

“Today Am In Mood For Outing & Pizza .. So clinic Closed.”

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There is no one sitting on your head bossing you to come and go at any particular time.

Its your own business venture and you will decide your own time. Of course you will need to work long hours in the initial days. But once when your practice is set up then you are free to decide your timing and take a vacation whenever you want. There are very few jobs that give you this luxury.

Part-time is always a possibility, allowing you to maintain a balanced lifestyle.

It’s also a great career for women who want to have a family.

Next Good Point

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