

In this article we will discuss - How Can You Create An Awesome Website for your Dental Setup ?
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This article is part of the series where we are discussing how dentists can use the internet and online mediums to create an enhanced market for your dental practice and also create a brand for yourself as a dentist. 

In this article we will discuss in details 

How Can You Create An Awesome Website for your Dental Setup ?

Being a Dentist, you might not be very technically savvy but don’t worry.

This article will demystify all the problems and doubts you have for creating your dental website.

  • One major problem that dentists face is that when they approach a designer to build a website for them, the dentist has no idea as to how the job is done.
  • And the designing company then charges absolute huge amount of money which the dentist pays but he/she has no clue what was the work and how much value he/she is getting for the money spent.

This is perhaps the the best article you will ever read that will explain you all about creating a website and increasing your profitably, from the point of view of a Dentist.

What are the Points Required to Built a Dental Website ?

(In the most simplistic manner)

  1. A Domain Name : It is Name of your Website or URL of your website. For e.g. Here is the domain name. Its like having a name like say – your own name !
  2. A Hosting Service : After you buy your domain name (which is equivalent to the name of a person like you) then you need to get a house where you can put in all the things that belong to you. In other words all the written materials, photos etc you see in a website are stored at an online location. That location is your hosting service. 
  3. A Website Platform : Once you complete with Domain Name & Hosting Service, now its the time to design your website. For that you can use free platforms like WordPress, Blogger (which are free platforms to use) or you can appoint a designer to completely design a native platform (which can be very costly depending on the design complexity and features)
  4. A Mobile Friendly Website : Your website should be responsive – meaning it should adapt and open well on mobile, tabs, Laptops and Desktop computers.
  5. Adding Contents : Once all the above steps are completed and your site is online then its your job to add on contents, information and photos.

In the next few slides you will get all the relevant details. So check every slide.

Lets Start with the 1st Point 

A Name for your Dental Website

A domain name is the name of your website.

  1. You can visit websites of the companies like GoDaddy, Hostgator, Bluehost. There you can looking for the section to purchase domains.
  2. For owning a domain name first you will have to search of the name is available. If the name you have in mind is already taken by someone else then you cannot get the name. So you will need to check and recheck until you find a domain name that is available and suitable for your dental clinic.
  3. If you are opening your clinic new then, always choose a name after verifying that the domain name is available. First check the domain name and then decide on naming your clinic set up. 
  4. Choose a domain name that signifies your dental clinic. The domain names can end in .com or .in depending upon what you prefer and which country you are based in. 
  5. The domain names are purchased for a certain period of time and if you want to continue using the name then you need to renew before then end of your tenure. The payments are made online via credit cards, net banking or debit cards. 

Though there are many companies that provide domain name purchase,

but in my own experience provides the best experience.

I myself have been using there services for almost a decade now without any issues. The customer care is also very nice.

So you can start with Purchasing/Checking your domain name from here.

Next Slide We Will See 

How to Choose the Correct Hosting Site for your Website 

Go to next Slide

Lets Start with the 2nd Point 

Choosing the Correct Hosting Service for your Dental Website

image credit : Free Pik

After you complete the tough task of finding and buying an appropriate domain name, next comes the task of choosing a good and correct hosting service.

  1. Hosting Service is the space where all the contents of your website are stored. All the articles, photos, special softwares – everything. Its like a house for you website where all the belongings are kept safe and sound. 
  2. Thus, its very essential to have a great hosting service. A weak hosting service means a weak house which may not protect all your belongings. 
  3. So its essential that you choose a reputed company providing you the most stable and robust hosting service that does not go down frequently. 
  4. There are many types of Hosting like Shared Hosting, VPS Hosting and Dedicated Hosting. (Gradually increasing in cost in the same order). For most of the websites shared hosting is enough. There is no need to spend more on VPS and dedicated hosting, until unless you have a lot of cash to spend. 

Again from my experience – I have been using the BlueHost Hosting Service for many years and it has been absolutely easy experience without any downtime and always fast loading site.

You can check out and purchase discounted Blur Host services

Lets Start with the 3rd Point 

Designing Your Dental Web Site

Ok, in the last two slides we saw Getting the Name for your website and the Hosting Service.

Now we will see the designing aspect of your website.

This is one aspect where you need to be very careful because

a wrong selection of the developer can lead to a lot of increase in expenses and delay in your project.

Appointing a dedicated Designer to Design your Site

  • Here you appoint a designer and tell him/her your ideas for the design of your dental website. 
  • But it can be a very costly proposition. Good designers don’t come cheap and for their talent/ hard work they do deserve the high amount.
  • But many times as a health professional you don’t have much idea and you end up spending a lot of money. For some cost may not be a factor but it might be for you. There is a alternative for you.

Many of my dentist friends have been using WORD PRESS and running their Dentist Website for many years. Its a very effective, easy way to start your dental clinic website. 

  • Even if your are appointing a Designer tell him/her to deign your website on WordPress. Using Word press if free. You already have bought Domain & Hosting.
  • WordPress comes with already ready design templates that are completely free which you can easily install. If you prefer more functionality, then there are many professional wordpress designs are available for purchase that are very effective. 
  • If you find these easy steps still difficult then appointing a developer and taking his/her help in getting the wordpress installed, wordpress designs/plugins installed will cost you less than 1/4 th price that you will spend on creating a complete new platform for your website. 

See Next Slide 

If you are taking help of a designer then 

What are the features you Should Ask the Designer To Integrate in you Dental Website

Press Next To Go To Next Slide

Lets Start with the 4th Point 

What are the features you Should Ask the Designer To Integrate in you Dental Website

What is the Ultimate Goal in Having a Website for Your Dental Practice ?

The Goal is very straight forward

  1. To get more prospective patients to know know about You, Your Dental Practice.
  2. To build an Online Brand for your Dental Practice.
  3. To impress patients and get treatment appointment from prospective patients/clients.

Any Dental Website Must Have These Features – So ask your Web Designer to integrate all this 5 must have features

#1. A Professional Modern Design/Look

  • The most important aspect of your site. The look can decide whether the patient stays on your website or just leaves it. 
  • You know what they say about first impressions: They matter.
  • A clean, professional website tells visitors your practice is reputable. A clean and properly arranged website is perceived well by the patients and they are more likely to browse your site. Credibility research from Stanford University found that 50% of consumers say they make judgments about a company’s credibility based on its website design.

The Moment a visitor sees the Web Site, it should be clear that its a Dental Website with all the relevant heading clearly visible on the top of the site.

  • Most ideal colour base to use in the website are blue and off white.

What Not To Do ?

Don’t get overzealous and don’t go all flashy animated in the design of your website. Avoid flashy bright contrasting colours that might be annoying to the patient/client.

Make the TOP header of the website clear and bold with all the clearly visible headings. It must have an:

  • About Page that tells the patient about you & your qualifications. Also keep it a little personal, write about your motivation and your desire to service the community. 

  • Have one SERVICE page detailing about all the services you are providing in your Dental Set up.
  • Mention in details about the STERILISATION methods. That appeals to patients.
  • Make a GALLERY section. Post some of your best after before case pics that you feel will appeal to patients.
  • Do not put Bloody Extraction or Oral Diseases pics.
  • Put the pics of your cases that had good aesthetic results. 
  • Keep a TESTIMONIAL page with good favourable reviews by previous patients. Ask your old satisfied patients to send in their reviews.
  • Create a BLOG page where you write about Oral health topics for the reading of your visitors.
  • Try to write good original articles that will appeal to readers. 
  • Make a good CONTACT page with complete details on contacting you via e mail or social media.
  • Also give the complete address of your clinic with embedded map so that patients can easily find your set up.
  • Set up clearly mentioned contact number on which the patients can call to get assistance to reach your set up. 

Follow the above mentioned simple points and your dental website is right on the correct track. While designing a professional website its not about how much flashy and beautiful it looks. Often this leads to a very cluttered look.

For a Dental website its imperative that it must be neat and all the necessary information are easily accessible to the viewer.

Your contact information should appear in the upper right-hand corner of your website on every single page. That’s where visitors expect to see it-don’t make them hunt it down ! Include a call-to-action, as well. Don’t assume your prospective patients know what to do. Your call-to-action can be as simple as “Call today for an appointment.”

You should also include your office hours, a map showing your location, and an appointment request form. You can add the appointment form in the contact page.

See Next Slide for Point 2 & 3 

Good Programming & Coding by the Designer 

See Next Slide

#2. A Good Programming of Your Dental Site without Bugs

Always keep emphasising to your website designer that coding should be simple and nothing much overloaded and complicated.

The idea is to have a simple website thats easy to manage, update and which loads fast.

As mentioned above there are many ways to platform your website and the easiest and free is WordPress.

Also for WordPress there are many well made professional website designs that you can purchase and are super easy to use.

Also Don’t worry at all about using the WordPress.

Its the most widely used plat form in the world for making websites and you will find lots of step by step documentation all over internet on how to install and use wordpress.

Best part is its very easy to learn and then you don’t need to ask you developer every time you want to make some changes to your website.

#3. The Myth of SEO

(Search Engine Optimisation)

Pic Credit : Free Pik

  • Search Engine Optimisation is the process to make you site more visible in Google search and other search engines. For example – Suppose a patient is based in India , Mumbai and looking for a clinic in Mumbai East and he searches on google.

  • Then if you the dentist is based in the near by area and your Search Engine Optimisation is good then, google search results will show your Dental Clinic website on the first page of search results. 
  • This increases the chances of a prospective patient to check out your clinic website and potentially be your client. 
  • You also have the option to pay money to google to promote your dental clinic website in the search results. You might have noticed some search results will come on top of the page with Ad written next to them. Those are the paid advertisements and they further increase your chances that a prospective patient might visit your site.

So, SEO is the tool to make you stand out among the crowd of websites. Google is always evolving and so does the SEO.

An effective SEO will make you dental clinic website more visible to all the prospective patients in many places near and reasonably far from you (Google can exactly know the address of your clinic and show the search results to all the prospective patients looking for a dentist).

So , Reming your Designer about SEO and once the sit is done check that in a Month or so your Dental Clinic website is visible in the TOP searches of dental clinic when searched from your demo graph. If in case you see your site is not in the top search results then ask your designer about the SEO.

You can also use Google Adwords – The pain Google Advertising system where you can control which Demo graph the ads are shown.

See Next Slide 

#4 Point – That Your Dental Clinic Website Must Have 

#4. Mobile Responsive Dental Website

  1. 90 % of the people using internet are spending most of their browsing time – browsing o a mobile device. Take yourself as an example. You must be spending a considerable amount of time browsing on your mobile device. Similarly many of your potential patient clients will be searching for a dentist on their mobile phone. 
  2. Hence, its very important that your Dental Clinic Website, when viewed from a mobile device like mobile phone, tab etc. adapts depending on the device being used. As many of your patients will view of your dental clinic website on their mobile phone, its imperative that their experience is as smooth as possible on their smart phones. 

Ask your Designer To Provide you a Mobile responsive site. When he delivers you a design check completely the site in all mobile devices and find out any faults if there is.

In this case Word press is again very easy to Use. There are many remade professional designs available which are mobile responsive. 

See Next Slide 

#5 Point Your Website Must Have

#5 a – Social Media Integration

Huge number of your potential patients/clients are there in social media sites like Facebook, twitter etc.

So there must be a way in your website to integrate with social media.

This feature allows audience on Facebook to like your website, share your articles.

Its very essential to keep pushing your Dental Website and Social Media Presence.

Make a Note to Ask your Web Designer to integrate the feature.

Its not a very difficult thing and can be easily done. 

#5 b – Build Your Subscribers List

This is another not to miss part of you Dental Website.

In this feature a pop up comes on your site that prompts the visitor to enter his/her e mail id and subscribe to the mailing list of your Dental Website.

Whats the Benefit ?

Benefit is that you get a Database of e-mail subscribers with whom you can communicate periodically to

inform them about new offers, treatment facilities and oral health advancements.

This method builds up more communication between you and your patients. It takes time to gradually

build up the e mail subscriber list, but its of great value in the future.

This winds up this article.

There are many other articles at that explains the use of internet and online services to power up your clinical practice.

You can check some of those articles below.


This article is the part of series, where we are telling you about the use of Facebook marketing for your dental practice and in this post we will discuss about A Facebook page has many potential benefits for your business. 2 points are very necessary for an successful online presence of your dental practice.


In this guide, we will show you the basics of how a dentist can use Facebook to his/her professional advantage. The guide is aimed at the Dentist who wants to market their business on the world’s largest social network.


This article will tell you How Dentists Can use Facebook to Expand the Reach of their Dental Practice ? The Tips of What you should or should not do – When Promoting Your Dental Practice on Facebook To use face-book for promoting your dental practice you need to things A website for your dental practice A Facebook page for your dental practice.


Welcome doctors, all of you must be regularly use Facebook not only to connect with your friends and family but also to share your works and clinical facilities in various medical and dental groups. In this post we will tell you – How can you use the biggest social media Facebook and its advertising option to increase the reach of your Dental Practice.


We have discussed in the last few posts on how using the most popular social media medium – Facebook for promotion of your dental practice. In this post we will tell you on how you can promote your dental practice using Facebook to the local clients/patients.

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