
10 Most Practical Advises if You are a Doctor or Health Professional

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3# Doctors are Expected to Always Sacrifice and Serve the Country

Please do not fall into this trap. Let me justify this point.

I believe any country depends on 4 groups of people to form a stable society.

  • Farmers (To produce food that we all eat)
  • Soldiers/Army/Police (To protect us so that we can live peacefully without the worry of a foreign country attack us)
  • Engineers (To build infrastructure from the money generated)
  • Doctors/ Health professionals (To maintain a stable healthy population)

But if you notice closely the onus of all the personal sacrifices are falling mostly on Doctors, Soldiers, and Farmers.

Rest all group of professionals – seems like are not morally bound by any decree of sacrifices. They are free to work hard and look for the growth of their profession & family. If they succeed and get rich then society applauds them. They become a role model.

But if any doctor/health professional looks for his professional growth or expansion, there will be some who will comment easily – A doctor is meant to service & sacrifice. He should not be greedy! He should not seek money! He should not seek comfort!

So, I request you not to fall into this mental trap. As a doctor, you are by default providing a great service by healing people. So keep doing what you are doing sincerely and at the same time look for the opportunities for the growth of your personal and family life. 

As a doctor, you are by default providing a great service by healing people. So keep doing what you are doing sincerely and at the same time look for the opportunities for the growth of your personal and family life. 

Don’t ever feel guilty for trying to earn more money in the correct way.

Being a doctor or health professional does not mean that you cannot think of money or comforts for your family like everyone else. It’s just a mental trap and people tend to use it against you.

4# Never Provide Free Service

Yet again, the moment you tell this sentence, many people will pounce on you with the tag greedy!

But stay calm! You are not!

I will say again – Never Provide Any Service or Treatment at your professional clinic for free.

Anything that is free – tends to lose its value. Same is with the treatments. The patients will never appreciate it. They will never follow the advice that you give. Hence never provide free treatment to people who would not value it.

Whenever you are in clinic never compromise. Charge for your services. Never forget you have bills to pay. 

But as a Doctor/Health Professional is it not my duty to provide free health services?

  • Yes, it is and this is how you should do it.
  • Provide free health services to the people who actually need it. Carry out free health service in the rural areas every 3rd month or 6th month. 
  • Carry out free health service in the rural areas every 3rd month or 6th month. 
  • Carry out free health screenings. 
  • Partner with fellow doctors & pharma companies to provide free medicines to the poor. 

The idea is to provide free health services to the people who actually need it.

5# Take care of yourself

When you work as a doctor or a health professional there are many associated risks on a daily basis. What are these risks?

Biological Risks: The risks of contracting diseases.

Financial Risks: The risk of your private practice failing to make a profit and sustain.

Litigation Risks: In the modern day, any patient can drag you in the court of law for consumer case (whether there is any error from your end or not). This leads to a lot of mental torture.

The risk of violence: There also has been a growing trend of attacks against doctors by the people related to patients.

So, always be very careful about your safety in relation to all 4 points mentioned above.

Biological Safety: Before any surgical treatment get the patients tested for any diseases like HIV infection etc.Financial Safety & Protection against Consumer cases: Keep a track of your finances. Buy or renew your insurances.

Protection against violence: Do not get cornered by a group of patients and their relatives. Be very alert. Do not argue or initiate a fight. As corny as it may sound – DO NOT assume that patients/their relatives will not get violent with you just because you are a doctor. When a mob attacks then they do not give a hoot that you are a doctor. They will attack and might leave you with a lot of pain/insults. So, as mentioned few lines before – Always be Alert.

No one will feed your family if you are not there….. so make sure they are safe.

They can be safe when you are safe.

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Most Practical Points for the benefit of health professionals
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