
10 Most Practical Advises if You are a Doctor or Health Professional

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6# Stop Glorifying Hours of Hard Work That you Do.

No One Cares!

Everybody knows that doctors put hours of hard work. Even if a doctor is lazy or not feeling like working much, he/she by default ends up working minimum for 6 to 10 hours. And it’s not a simple work. Doctors and health professionals deal with so many people and try to reduce their pain. It’s very stressful.

If the doctor is employed in a Govt. hospital then the work hours can extend indefinitely. In countries with a huge population and very limited number of doctors, the situation is extremely chaotic. In India, senior residents sometimes work at a stretch for 48 to 72 hours.

But please remember – No One Cares.

Recently there has been an incidence that was trending all over the world. A Mexican resident after working 19 hours straight slept off at 3 AM as she had another shift at morning 9 AM. So she slept on the reception table at 3 AM morning. But some blogger snapped the pictures of her sleeping and posted it online heavily criticizing the medical resident and questioning her work dedication/ethics as a doctor. The blogger did not even try to know the full story.

In support of the resident, doctors from all over the world started posting the pictures of themselves and their colleagues sleeping after minimum 12 hours of non-stop work. In not time this was trending all over the world.

You can see the viral pictures of doctors sleeping in the story below.

Amazing Viral Photos of Doctors Sleeping after Hours of Non Stop Work

Being a doctor or health professional is not easy. The whole process of being a qualified health professional takes years at a stretch. It takes around 5 to 6 years to complete the graduation. Then it takes another 3 to 4 years for specialization.

The moment you are not able to deliver due to tiredness, many patients will start bashing you verbally and some physically.

The only way around it – Stop Worrying & Expecting that People Will Notice Your Hard Work. No one Does.

So, do not put yourself under mental and physical stress.

Work sincerely in your working hours.

Take time off when you feel that you have reached your limit.

7# Yes it is a noble profession but people are not so noble anymore

I still feel being a Doctor or Health Professional is a noble profession. That is one of the most powerful notions that motivated many young students to be a doctor. It is this feeling that will motivate many talented young students in the future to be a health professional.

In this profession, you have a direct role in helping people and improving their life. People used to respect this fact and give adequate respect to the health professional. They used to realize how many years of consistent effort it requires to be a doctor.

But with changing times, there are more and more cases of doctors & health professionals being attacked and bullied.

So, accept the changing scenario. Be alert. As mentioned in point number 4, your safety is your priority.

See Next Slide for #8 & #9
Most Practical Advice for Doctors/Health Professionals

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