You may or may not agree with it; however, the World revolves around Women. To realize this fact, you do not need to look far. The perfect example is the closest to you. Just have a close look at your mother.She was once a young daughter and sister. She was a student working hard in school and college to make a career and also make her family proud and happy. With time she became a wife and then she became your mother.All these years she carried out so many responsibilities including raising you well to be a doctor. Maybe she let go of her dreams to make time for building you and preparing you for a successful life ahead.
In short, the life of women in a long series of multitasking jobs. And they rightly deserve all the respects they receive and more.
Also, when it comes to dentistry, there is no shortage of amazing and inspiring women power in it. Every women dentist is an inspiration in itself. At, we regularly cover some of the inspirational stories for other girls to follow.
Dr. Ankita Chandra – A Philanthropist Dentist
Dr. Ankita has already been widely discussed and praised in Social Media for her dedicated works in Rural India. If you haven’t heard about her then read how she had made a huge difference in promoting dental health in the widely neglected rural sectors of India.
In 2008, dental surgeon Dr. Ankita Chandra cleared the UPSC examination and soon began working with the Ministry of Health.
We all as dentists know how pathetic the oral health knowledge & awareness in among rural India. But most of us just talk and discuss it, and very few actually get on the ground zero to actually make a difference. Dr. Ankita is one such dentist. She realized the despicably poor level of oral health status and awareness among people in rural India and rather than just cribbing about it as a dentist, she took it upon herself to work hours and days to bring a change.
She visited many of the villages in Delhi and nearby areas. She interacted with the village leaders and people. She went from house to house. By doing so, she was able to conduct oral health camps combining people from many villages with one clear-cut aim –
The raise the Level of Oral Health Awareness.
Whenever it was required, she provided free treatment to the patients.
After joining the Govt. health wing in 2008, she realized the gaping hole in the oral health sector, and since then she has been trying her best to make a difference. To make her camps more widely accessible, she joined the NGO, Drishti Foundation Trust.
In an interview with one of the biggest social media house in India The Logical Indian, Dr. Ankita said – “On discussing this issue with Mr. Dinesh Kr. Gautam, Founder of Drishti Foundation Trust, we decided to start the Oral Health Awareness Campaigns in our own country for rural India and urban slums with a special focus on geriatric age, people for whom dental treatment is like a dream because of its inaccessibility and expenses.”
Dr. Ankita has invested not only hours of her time but also her own finances to help procure many necessary items that can be used for the awareness purposes. She has plans to provide free dental treatment in around 5 lakh villages all over India. That needs a tremendous amount of resource.
In her interview with The Logical Indian, she further says – “We are trying to procure Mobile Dental Vans which will be equipped with all modern facilities as available in any urban government hospital so that there is no discrimination in the quality of healthcare treatment for the rural population of India.”
We at DentalOrg.Com on behalf of the Indian Dental Community congratulate Dr. Ankita Chandra for such a dedicated efforts to spread dental care to interiors of India. We wish her all the success in the coming future.
All over India, there are many lady doctors who are working hard in some of the most remote areas to provide free health care to the poor and less educated. We will be happy and proud to feature many other such amazing Women doctors in our feature posts.
If you know any such doctor or health professional doing Amazing work, then feel free to inform us about them and their credentials at “”
Article continues on the next slide:
In the next slide, we will have another women dentist, who apart from being a dentist is also professional superbike racer. Talk about being different!
In this post, we are covering the achievements of two lady dentists who are breaking the frontiers of the conventional in their own way.
There is the challenge of being a Doctor.
Its four years of rigorous studying with clinical works.
It is not a joke to deal with so many patients.
You need to be fit – mentally, physically and emotionally.
Then you get the right to be called a “Doctor.”
There is also a challenge to be a
Professional World Class Race Biker
What does one need to be a professional Superbike racer biker?
Does speed thrill you?
Does it scare you?
Does it excite you?
Alternatively, do you realize that speed per say just doesn’t mean driving as fast as your machine (Bike) allows you? Speed means riding fast, but at the same being in control.
Speed means knowing your limitation and then getting to your best.
Speed means having the body and mind fitness to sustain the speed.
So What a challenge it would be to be a
Doctor + Professional Grand Prix Biker
Meet Dr. Niharika Yadav
India’s Fastest Lady Super Biker
For ages, India was a male-dominated society.
Maybe in many terms it still is. When I mean dominated, I say most of the professional field was comprised of males in the majority.
However, with changing times, being at par with rest of the world, Indian women are also getting opportunities to venture out into professional life, and they are scaling new height of success by their sheer talent and determination.
Here is one story that can be an inspiration to many ladies to keep pursuing their dreams.
Dr.Neharika Pandey is a qualified dentist. However, she always had a flair for bikes and racing.
In western countries, it’s a regular thing for ladies to be into racing professionally.
However, In India its something new and unique.
Dr. Neharika Yadav, who ably balances her twin pursuits of dentistry and being the fastest women on the bike has already completed 2000 kilometers at the Buddh International Circuit having first made a pilgrimage to the track as this biking enthusiast.
Readers will know that Professional Biking is not an easy sport. It demands much fitness which is very difficult to maintain. Also, there is a constant risk of significant injuries in the racing sports. One needs to have a lot of guts and determination to be able to do well in this competition.
Months of determined practice orchestrated by her own effort and marked by great guidance from senior and pro- fellow riders nurtured the bike racer in her. Starting out from a 150 cc Honda, Neharika ably picked up both the technical know-how of the craft of bike racing and also countered the greatest fear of them all; the risk of losing one’s life in this dangerous pursuit.
Today, with just 3 years of Motorcross and Superbiking, Neharika having established her foray into a sport that needs a lot of courage and daredevilry. Moreover, this is only the beginning.
We, on behalf of the Indian Dental Community, congratulate Dr. Niharika for bringing a good name only to the profession of dentistry but also to Indian biking sports.
Agree or not, every profession needs that person with X-factor who can bring attraction back to the profession by adding an extra dimension to the profile that gets popular among people. Dr. Niharika Yadav is one such doctor.
Dentalorg.Com wishes DR. NIHARIKA YADAV all the success in the coming years.
Check out some of the amazing pics of the doctor biking in racing tracks.
Neharika Yadav, who has spent 2 years in Motorcross, the most rugged form of racing. She has also made an entry into Superbiking, riding a Ducati 899 Panigale.

Amazing Ladies who are taking dentistry to greater heights with a difference. If you know about any other lady dentists who are making a difference, do tell us. We are always eager to encourage our fellow dental surgeons.
You can mail us at
Read some articles on inspirational Women Dentists and Doctors in the world: