

Top Questions To Help You Decide : Whether you should go for higher dental education ?
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A Little Recap :

1. How We Ended Up Doing BDS and

Now Waiting For MDS ??? Fate ???

But, what is strange is most of us are just repeating the same thing we did some years back. Just for a small recap, let’s think of how most of us actually ended up here.

Let’s Recap …

“You have To Get Science … Every One in Our Family Is Science”

image credits : giphy

It all probably started from your 9th or 10th when your parents started telling you to study well so that you would be getting science group. Being a doctor is a thing of pride for many ambitious parents. So, they directly or indirectly push their kids towards a career in Health Science.

Once you belonged to the science group, you gave up every other thing you ever loved to just to keep trying to get into any one of the “only” two professions that parents consider a profession :

An engineer or a doctor.

You gave multiple exams and kept slogging those two years and finally landed up in an engineering college or a medical college.

Those of you who couldn’t get a medical seat compromised by taking up dentistry.

That almost sums up how most of us ended up doing BDS/Dentistry.

If you notice, most us never had the choice or the chance to think of what we really wanted to do. We did most of these things because everybody else did it or probably what we were told to do.

None of us really took time to think if we really wanted to do what we are going to do and how it really feels like. It’s sad that it happens mostly in our country that the biggest decision of our life was not our own but it was influenced by others.

 ” BDS is Over … Shall I do MDS ???

Now that we yet again stand at the crossroads of our next big decision,

why are we blindly doing things like a herd of sheep?

BDS/Dental Graduation is over !!!

What To DO Now … MDS/Higher Dental Education ???

All of us want to do a PG/Higher Dental Education,

but how many of you really enjoyed your UG/Dental Graduation ?

How do you think you would enjoy doing your MDS if you never really enjoyed BDS?

Have you asked yourself this question?

In my opinion here are some reasons why some people should not be doing a PG.

Unless you get a Govt. Sponsored seat … it usually involves 2 to 3 years of preparation (with no guarantee that you will get)  you are going to spend Millions for Higher Dental Education in private institutions.

Go Next : to See 1st Reason Not to MDS / Higher Dental Education 

Your friend spent 50 Lakhs for an MDS seat … Should You Also Do The Same ? ? ?

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