
How to Prepare for NEET MDS – Chapter 2 – How to Prepare Theory & MCQs?

Welcome to the Chapter 2 of the series on NEET "All About NEET MDS Entrance Exams". In this section, we will know how to effectively study the Theory and also prepare for the MCQs.
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Welcome to “All About NEET” MDS Entrance series at in collaboration with Dr. Narendranatha Reddy, MDS, CEO and MD of Brihaspathi Academy for NEET.

Dr. Reddy has more than two decades of teaching experience particularly in preparing students for All India MDS entrance exams. As now, NEET is the single exam required to qualify for MDS, Dr. Reddy has devised patented exclusive study materials, online courses and assembled many top teachers to teach medical and dental subjects.

In this series of articles, “All About NEET” Dr. Reddy is providing some of the most valuable tips on How to Effectively prepare for NEET and succeed in it.

If you are starting with this article, then here is the link to all the posts in this series:

Find the link to all the articles in the All About NEET Series below.
In this series ” All About NEET, Dr. Narendranatha Reddy will be covering the points under the following headings. Find the List of topics that would be covered in this series “ALL ABOUT NEET MDS”

  1. All About NEET MDS – An Outline & Scope (Click to Read Here)
  2. All About NEET MDS : 
    • How to Prepare – “My Experience” Clinic or No Practice & How to Plan – Monthly, weekly, daily schedules & How to Study. (Click to Read Here)
    • How to Study After Making Plans (Preparing for Theory & MCQs) (Click to Read Here)
    • How To Revise Topics For NEET Exams (Phases of Revisions) (Click to Read Here)
  3. All About NEET MDS – Self Study vs Coaching
  4. All About NEET MDS – Time Management for Interns, Working Dentists, Homemakers & Long Back Graduates

You can reach or contact the author at

or call him at +91 91644 76636

How To Study For NEET after making the Plans? 

(Considering that you have regular Weekend Mock Tests)

All About NEET Series – Chapter 2

In the previous section, you made a plan to prepare for NEET. We saw how can you divide your 10 months of preparation time by making a monthly, weekly and a daily plan.

However, the most important aspect of the success of a plan is to make sure that you work on the plan with dedication and loyalty.

In the next lines and slides, we will see how to best Work on a weekly basis with a goal to master the MCQ based questions for NEET.

(Please note that this NEET workout is based on the assumption that you will be giving weekly revision tests online or in any coaching center)

This weekly work out for Mastering MCQs involves three steps:

  1. Monday – Friday: MCQs & Theory Workout for NEET Goes to Subconscious Mind
  2. Saturday: Revision of Topics from Monday – Friday For Instant recollection
  3. Sunday: Weekly Test Day

How to Study – Weekly Test Preparation

  • This is another big headache in the preparation. Some say do more and more MCQs; others say do theory.
  • I suggest you must do both.
  • Because if you just do MCQ practice without sufficient concepts…it’s like building something without any foundation
  • Reading extensive theory with inappropriate MCQ practice is like having a good foundation without a building
  • We should concentrate on both the things at a time
  • As NEET MDS would be a concept based rapid round exam, you must be thorough with concepts

1. The Monday To Friday MCQs & Theory Workout for NEET

Below lines explain you the method of learning the concepts and MCQ practice

  1. Always read Synopsis/Theory first. Don’t touch MCQs without through reading of Synopsis/Theory. If you do that means you are mugging up the questions
  2. Always finish chapter by chapter .e.g, Chapter – 01 Theory followed by its MCQ Practice.
  3. Don’t read full subject theory at one stretch and then don’t do MCQ practice from Chapter – 01. Always incremental study provides better results.

How to read Theory/Synopsis

  • Always read the theory in morning hours for best results
  • Don’t put any deadline for Theory reading. It causes detrimental effects on your preparation
  • Start reading line by line
  • Refer to the concerned standard textbooks wherever you don’t understand
  • Underline/Mark all the lines that you feel as important. This is essential because you will be revising only these marked lines during Revision
  • Emphasize on Images/Pictures – Helps in solving Picture based Questions
  • Have clear-cut concepts
  • Revise the Theory for few minutes before you go for MCQ practice

Now its the time to know the part 3 of the Weekly NEET Workout:

How to practice MCQs for the NEET Examination

See the next slide of this article, to know all the tricks, Press Next

How To Practice MCQs for the NEET Exams

  • Always work out on Fixed Time basis as you need to be thorough with Time Management
  • Remember: NEET MDS has 240 MCQs with 180 minutes. Hardly you will have 45 seconds per question.
  • Within this short time itself you should read the Question with Options; arrive at the right choice and mark it. Hence you should have a lot of control over Time.
  • Built an effective time-based answering right from the day one in an orderly manner.
  • Maintain a Log Book for your MCQ practice. That’s going to be your helper in last minute study.
  • Below is an Example of MCQs Practice Model for a Chapter with 60 Questions.

The best way to prepare for MCQs is to prepare in a Simulated Test Environment with a limited time. It is the most practical way to train your mind within the constraints of limited time.

How to Practice MCQs in a Practice/Test Mode

(Steps to Follow)

  • Write Down/Prepare a Word template with the Number of MCQs that to be Answered. E.g.: 01 – 60 or 01-25 etc.
  • Make minimum three columns for each Chapter you practice because your target is 01 Basic Preparation and 02 Revisions. If you have a data like this, you can analyze your preparation thoroughly and can be corrected the mistakes and you will be knowing weak areas.
  • Set the Alarm Clock. Initially 1 minute per MCQ. Allot 60 minutes for 60 MCQs, 20 minutes for 20 MCQs.
  • Start answering one by one Question without looking into key answers.
  • Finish answering one-line MCQs to save the time while reading a question.
  • Mark only those you are 100% confident (Negative Marking is live)
  • Start answering remaining ones after finishing one-liner. Here also mark only 100% confident ones.
  • By the time you finish one round, you must have answered at least 50% questions.
  • Now investigate the questions you have left. Some answers will strike when you are reading the question the second time. Finish answering those.
  • By the time your round 2 finished, you must have answered 80% of the Paper. Remember this is your Positive Score. Keep it preserved. Meanwhile, time also must be running out. I suggest don’t attempt any more questions as you have a Negative marking.
  • Submit the Paper/Stop your practice test session.

Once you complete your practice MCQs test, now it is time to analyze the answers and take a note of the mistakes you have made. 

See the next slide of this article to know how to properly assess the practice test.

Press Next to go the next slide

The next task is to analyze the test performance. This assessment will give you some crucial ideas on your weak aspects while answering questions within a stipulated time.

How to analyze your test performance?

  • Check the Key answers and compute the score
  • Note down discrepancies if any and clarify asap
  • Just don’t relax after this
  • Spend sufficient time to analyze your performance
  • Note down and mark the wrong answers including the reasons – like wrongly marked even though you know the correct answer, got confused with the options etc.
  • Also, make an assessment of how many questions you were able to answer correctly within the stipulated time frame.
  • Make an assessment of the wrong answers you committed (that leads to negative marking)
Always remember, your final rank depends on your total mark and also in the number of negative markings you incur. Therefore, be very careful in analyzing these two aspects when assessing your practice test scores. 

As a teacher myself, I have devised a simple technique to help students sort out the questions during test assessment in a way that makes it easy for them to revise. This technique is called as EMD Technique. This technique is used in all the Brihaspathi online materials and also in the printed study materials. This EMD system has also been incorporated into the Brihaspathi Android App.

It’s a very simple technique which goes a great way in helping students to manage time and subsequently in the revisions.

Mark the Questions directly in the Book against each Question as below

(we have inbuilt facility in our Android App) – See the below Illustration. You can do so in the book or material you are using)

Easy – those type of questions you will never make wrong even in sleep

Moderate – these questions require at least one revision before the exam

Difficulty – that type of questions you always make wrong or doubtful, confusing, requires lot of memory

See a Demo Question sheet below marked with E, M, D Markings. It will save you not only a great deal of time but also make you revision concentrated on the questions that are difficult for you.

Use the table below to keep a regular record of the time-based responses to your practice tests. Even if you decide not to join any coaching center and do self-study, you must use the record system below to assess your regular performance in the simulated test of solving MCQs.

05 February 2018 (Monday)

Subject: Anatomy

Topic: Osteology

Time Allotted: 60 Min

Actual Time Taken: 50 Min

Time Saved: 10 Min

Q. No Basic Preparation Phase


Revision Phase-01


Revision Phase-02


1 A
2 B
3 D
4 C
5 A
6 A
Go on like this

Once you are done with the above methods for a particular chapter then you can repeat it for each chapter you study.Proceed to Next Chapter as discussed above
• With the EMD marking, you had done enough preparation for the given Chapter
• Continue the same way for the rest of the PreparationSoon, you will be ready with a detailed list of assessed material and questions for revisions and study.

With this, your Monday to Friday NEET work list is over.

Next comes step number 2 (Saturday Revision) and Step number 3 (Sunday Practice Test). 

Press Next to go to the next slide of this article

In this part of the series “All About NEET,” we are looking at “How you should plan your NEET Workout every week?”

This weekly work out for Mastering MCQs involves three steps:

  1. Monday – Friday: MCQs & Theory Workout for NEET Goes to Subconscious Mind
  2. Saturday: Revision of Topics from Monday – Friday For Instant recollection
  3. Sunday: Weekly Test Day

We have covered till now the “Monday to Friday NEET Theory and MCQ workout (aiming to train your subconscious about the NEET Exam style and MCQ solving skills).

Next, we will see the next two steps – How to revise on Saturday (for the chapters you covered till Monday to Friday) and Tackling the Sunday Mock test (Online or Classroom)

2. Saturday: Revision of Topics covered from Monday – Friday For Instant Recollection

How to effectively revise on Saturday?

  • Fix the day before the Weekend Test is Revision Day.
  • Don’t study anything new even though you are left out with targeted portions.
  • First, finish the Revision of all the topics that were read from Monday – Friday. If you don’t do this and attempt the test you will experience one peculiar situation i.e. when you look at the options, you cannot arrive at the conclusion instead you feel this I read somewhere. To avoid this, Revision is mandatory.
  • After revising the finished topics, do a fresh reading of the left-out topics.

Revision of Theory

  • No need to do A-Z of the Topic.
  • Have a glance/reading of only the Marked/Highlighted points during Initial Reading.

Revision of MCQs

  • No need to practice again as you did in Initial Preparation.
  • Just deduce the answers to the MCQs without looking at the Key.
  • The order is as below. The EMD markings you have marked since Monday to Friday are now going to be of immense help.

Difficult marked First

Followed by Moderate Question

Easy ones at the end

  • Observe that this method is allowing you to concentrate where difficulty is, and marks are losing.
  • Finish the revision of Difficulty and Moderate questions at any cost. Nothing will happen even if you don’t look at Easy ones as you will never make mistakes in those.

3. Sunday: Weekly Test Day

The Weekend Sunday Test:

  • Now the final day arrived to prove your preparation
  • Many of the Students don’t give importance to Weekend tests. They just attempt it for the sake of giving. Please don’t do that.
  • This is where your mind is getting prepared for the final battle. Here you can teach her how she must be.
  • Come in-time and sit until the exam time gets finished.
  • Follow the same steps as you did in practice mode while answering


Amidst all the exam preparation, you must not forget that NEET is eventually a competition where you are competing against thousands of other equally or more talented and hardworking students. Hence, you must have a warrior or fighting instinct when preparing for NEET. 

And mock tests are the best way to assess your fighting spirit and skills. Whether you self-study or join a coaching, make sure that you train your mind to answer effectively within a limited time simultaneously minimizing the negative answers.

In the NEET preparation, weekly NEET work out you read in this section is very crucial as a long journey is always best covered by completing a small but significant distance every week.

In the next part of the Series of All About NEET, we will be discussing the most effective way to Revise the NEET course before the Final Exam Day arrives. You can read the detailed article on the NEET Revision Plan in the article below.

Find the link to all the articles in the All About NEET Series below.
In this series ” All About NEET, Dr. Narendranatha Reddy will be covering the points under the following headings. Find the List of topics that would be covered in this series “ALL ABOUT NEET MDS”

  1. All About NEET MDS – An Outline & Scope (Click to Read Here)
  2. All About NEET MDS : 
    • How to Prepare – “My Experience” Clinic or No Practice & How to Plan – Monthly, weekly, daily schedules & How to Study. (Click to Read Here)
    • How to Study After Making Plans (Preparing for Theory & MCQs) (Click to Read Here)
    • How To Revise Topics For NEET Exams (Phases of Revisions) (Click to Read Here)
  3. All About NEET MDS – Self Study vs Coaching
  4. All About NEET MDS – Time Management for Interns, Working Dentists, Homemakers & Long Back Graduates

You can reach or contact the author at

or call him at +91 91644 76636

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