
Working in Australia As a Dentist & Dental Specialist (for Overseas Dentists)

General points to watch for all overseas candidates

We have covered almost every relevant point that will help you in having a better initial understanding of the process and journey of ADC. Before concluding the article, it makes sense to just have a quick discussion of the general points that every overseas candidate should keep a watch.

1. Source of Information

The first step to ADC is understanding the process and the correct information. The aim of this article is just to make that initial understanding of the long process, simple to follow. However, once you complete reading the article, the most important step is to recheck the official links. Through the article, you will find references to the official links. Read the article (more than once) and visit the official links.

2. VISA for giving exam and study in Australia

VISA is the most important aspect of the ADC process. In a regular way, first, you need a VISA to appear for the practical exam that takes place only in Australia. The second VISA you will require when you plan to apply for jobs and work in Australia as a general dentist/specialist (of course after passing ADC Exams). In the article, you will find official links to the relevant VISA and ICHC information with an explanation.

Caution: When it comes to VISA, never rely on or pay money to any unverified persons or agencies. Also, note that VISA regulations keep on changing from time to time. Hence, before starting any work on ADC, visit the Australian embassy in your region and get the latest information on the VISA regulation and also in particular, regarding the appropriate VISA for your ADC Exams and after ADC working VISA in Australia. If you plan to take the help of any professional VISA agencies, do a thorough review before paying any fees. Safeguard yourself from any VISA related fraud. You can also verify from the embassy regarding reputed and trustworthy VISA agencies.

3. ADC Preparatory courses by Private Coaching centers

If you do a random online search, then you will come across many private coaching centers (Both in Australia and other countries) that provide preparatory modules and materials for ADC Exams. Please note, ADC website clearly states that they do not endorse any private coaching center for ADC or the materials they provide. Also, the courses are extremely pricy.

Hence, if you do plan to enroll or purchase any course, please do not do so in a hurry. Do extensive research, check the reviews, online feedbacks, success ratio, ask previous students about the quality and if possible, directly visit the center during any ongoing session. All these will provide you with better information regarding the quality and content. Check the handbooks of ADC (Written and Practical) for subject/exam contents and ascertain that all are covered in the private coaching center.

Caution: Carefully check the refund policy for the private coaching centers.

(in case you do not like the course and want to discontinue)

4. Always download and fill the latest forms

Whenever applying for the ADC process, the first step is obviously filling up the Application form. It is very important that you download the latest application forms and fill those correctly as instructed. For each stage of ADC (Initial assessment, Written Exam, and Practical Exams) there are separate forms. All the forms have a detailed explanation regarding the requirements with a checklist. Download the forms, and read the forms multiple times. (2 readings minimum is required for understanding all the requirements in the application) Mark the points that you already fulfill, where you are lacking, having doubts or you require further clarifications. In case of any doubts, you can always contact the ADC or DBA helpline for suggestions.

The official link to download the latest ADC Application forms

Assessment forms

(Official Assessment Forms)

You can check for all the latest official handbooks for various stages of ADC Exams at the below official link

Assessment publications

Practical examination handbook for dentists Practical examination information package for dentists Practical examination information package for dental hygiene and dental therapy Practical examination handbook for dental hygiene and dental therapy Five tips for your upcoming practical examination fact sheet

ADC contact and helpline page

Contact us

AHPRA (DBA) contact and helpline page

Contact us

4. Do NOT forget to check the official FAQs

ADC Exams is a long journey spanning over months. During the process, there can be many trivial questions. For example, reaching the exam hall late or refund in case you discontinue the process after applying, etc. For such cases, please go through the official ADC FAQs page that covers all such questions.

Frequently asked questions

Before the conclusion, please check the 6 sets of the question bank for a helpful revision of many topics. The questions are with explained answers. Please note: The below sets are contributed by Dr. Don from Singapore for your general revision. You are free to download them without any cost. The questions are based on the memory of students who have appeared for the ADC written exams. These materials are strictly for general revision. Please check the detailed syllabus for the written exam in the previous slides.

The article on ADC now concludes. We hope that you now have a strong initial understanding of the process of ADC and registering as a Dentist/Dental Specialist in Australia after completing your dental degree in an overseas country. As mentioned, reading the article more than 2 times, will make you more familiar with the process and steps, if you are appearing ADC exam for the 1st time.

Wishing you all the success – both financial success and fame in your journey to Australia as a Dentist.


  • The information in this article is collected from the experiences of the past students and from online sources including the official website of ADC (Australian Dental Council). (This website/webpage is not directly related to ADC). The goal is just to provide information in a simplified and chronological manner with the help of flowcharts and videos.
  • The article provides you the links from the official website of ADC for accurate understanding. The aim is to just explain to you the process and make it simple for you. All the links are directed to the official website of ADC.
  • We do not provide any Visa or Registration Related Services. Nor we provide any physical assistance for getting certified as a Dentist in Australia. This article is only for the purpose of information.
  • Check the official website of ADC for all the latest changes. In the case of any doubts always visit the Australian embassy in your country and get your doubts cleared directly. Never pay any unverified middle party that claims to help you get the registration by using shortcuts. No shortcut is available, and you must follow all the official steps mentioned on the ADC website.
  • Use this article just as a rough tool to understand the process better. It is not a replacement for the official information and ADC (Australian Dental Council) website. After reading this article and watching the videos, visit the official website of ADC to check for all the latest changes.