

Simple tricks to score the best in MCQs (Multiple Choice Based Exams)
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Tip no 7

One of the basic of success in tough dental exams, is the ability to have a photographic image of the questions and related answers.

Its a must and if you have developed that feature due to hard work and constant revision, then its going to help you a lot in the exam.

Always try to imagine the topic (in your notes or book). After reading the question cover the answers with your hand and now try toanswer it.

When you come with some look for it in the given options.

Tip no 8

image credit : freecliparts

Always use true or false method in case of negatively worded question (as in “which of the following are NOT . . .”),

or the questions having” all except” put a T or F beside each option, then simply select the odd statement.

Tip no 9

Before marking the option ask yourself

“reason to mark it right“

“Does it make any sense or not”

If its Not making sense as per your knowledge bank in memory, then re evaluate.

 Tip no 10 

If while dealing with the question, your logic says something and your knowledge says something else ; in this confusion always follow your knowledge.

image credits : freecliparts

Tip no 11

When guessing, do not change answers.

Research indicates your

first answer is usually the correct one.

However, don’t be afraid to change answers when you have a good reason for doing so.


Tip no 12

Allow time at the end to check for carelessness and Silly mistakes 

So doctors, follow these highly effective points and increase your chances to score well in your exams.

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