
Meet India’s Fastest Lady Super Biker and a Prolific Dentist – Dr.Neharika Yadav

A doctor and also a Professional Racing Biker
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In this post, we are talking about another women power in dentistry, Dr. Neharika Yadav who is also a professional international level Superbike racer.

In the previous slide, we saw the rigorous amount of training undertaken by Dr. Neharika to maintain the level of fitness required to participate in International Superbike races. However, other than fitness there is the need for another quality.

© Nitin Gupta

That quality is courage.

There is a constant risk of significant injuries in the racing sports. One needs to have a lot of guts and determination to be able to do well in this competition.

Months of determined practice orchestrated by her efforts and marked by significant guidance from senior and pro- fellow riders nurtured the bike racer in her.

Starting out from a 150 cc Honda, Neharika ably picked up both the technical know-how of the craft of bike racing and also countered the greatest fear of them all; the risk of losing one’s life in this dangerous pursuit.

Today, within just three years of Motorcross and Superbiking, Neharika having established her foray into a sport that needs a lot of courage and daredevilry. Moreover, this is only the beginning.

Have a look at the go cam video of Dr. Neharika practicing laps before race day.

In spite of her extremely busy schedule as a Superbike racer (traveling the world), Dr. Neharika runs a busy and hi-tech cosmetic dental practice.
Check out next her awesome dental practice set up on the next slide

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