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 There always have been a great deal of interest in the diploma or PG certificate dental courses being given by IGNOU . Though MDS still remains the first  preference of dental graduates. But government MDS seats are very less and private management seats are becoming very costly. So, in such a scenario Diploma courses are turning out to be another option to perfect the clinical skills.

This is first such article that will give you all the details about the course and we hope it will be helpful to all of you.


  • Approved by DCI . 
  • Degree approved all over India.
  • Nominal fees compared to Private Diploma Courses.
  • Experienced faculty.
  • Transparent and  protected by govt. rules.

Dental Diploma courses in two streams

Endodontics and Oral Implantology

Post Graduate Certificate in Oral Implantology

PG Certificate in oral implantology has been developed by the School of Health Sciences in collaboration with Dental Council of India for BDS Doctors.

 Programme Objectives

1) To enhance the knowledge and skills in the field of oral implantology.
2) To be able to assess, diagnose and manage the cases requiring dental implants.

Programme Design

Post Graduate Certificate in Endodontics

As per the latest reports – The Dental Diploma Courses have been cancelled but they might be revived. You can see the complete article to know the details about the dental courses that were in the IGNOU programs till 2012.

Programme Objectives :

1)To enhance the knowledge and skills in the field of conservative dentistry.
2)To be able to assess, diagnose and manage the cases which require specialised interventions in the field of conservative dentistry.


The course commences JULY of every year.


The admissions will be made once a year. The candidates will be admitted after an advertisement all over the country in reputed newspapers. The applications should be made on prescribed form so as to reach IGNOU before the due date.The application form can also be downloaded from the IGNOU website Admissions will be done through a combined entrance examination for the two dental programmes. The candidates will be selected Regional Centre wise on the basis of Merit and reservation policy of IGNOU.


The candidates should be registrated BDS doctors after completion of intership.The degree should be recognised by Dental Council of India. There is no maximum age limit.


The minimum duration of the programme is one year. However, the students are given a maximum period of three years to complete the programme from the date of registration, after which the students have to apply for re-admission paying the pro rata fee for each incomplete course. Re-admission is valid only for a period of one year. Medium of instruction is English.


The selection will be done on the basis of a combined entrance test for the two programmes. The candidates are advised to mention the name of the programme they wish to opt for in the form. In case they fail to do so this, their application will not be considered.

In case a candidate wishes to apply for both the programmes, he/she will be required to fill two separate application forms, one form for each of the two programmes.

He will, however, receive only one hall ticket. In case he/she qualifies for both the programmes, his/her name will appear in the merit list of both the programmes. He/she can however take admission in only one of the programmes. In case he/she deposits his fee in both the programmes, admission to both the programmes will be cancelled.

A combined entrance test will be conducted at specific centres, to be decided by IGNOU on the basis of applications received. However, in case the number of applicants is less the University may decide to hold an interview on regional basis of short listed candidates instead of the entrance test.

The candidates will be required to give a list of 3 programme study centre (as per the list in the appendix IV/V) in order of their preference for the programme for which they are applying (PGCE/PGCOI). The students can take admission in only one of the three centres mentioned by them in the application form, after applying the merit and reservation policy of IGNOU. In case the seats in the three centres applied by the student are filled by those above him in the merit/reserved seats, he will have to forego the admission to the programme.

The student cannot change his choice of the programme study centres, after submission of his application form. Regional centrewise merit list will be prepared. The student will be called for admission by the respective Regional centre on the basis of his position in the merit list as per the admission guidelines of IGNOU including the reservation policy.Admission once taken in a programme study centre in either of the two programmes i.e. PGCE/PGCOI cannot be cancelled and/or transferred to another PSC.

There will be 90 questions in the combined entrance examination. The questions will be drawn from 9 dental specialities and 8 medical subjects which are taught in BDS UG programme. The entrance examination will be of 2 hours duration and consist of 90 multiple choice questions.


Course fees are to be admitted during the admission procedure. But nothing to worry as the IGNOU diploma courses prices are very low compared to the private and management diploma courses.

Programme Study Centres (PSC)

For the practical hands on training the students will be attached to recognised PSCs all over the country.A maximum of 6 students will be attached to a programme study centre with a student counsellor ratio of2:1. However to accomodate the OBC candidates as per the directives of MHRD, the number of candidates per centre may be increased to 7/8. The students are expected to undergo compulsory contact sessions 5 times in an year.
Each contact sessions will be of 6 days duration each. The skills learnt in these programme study centres have to be practiced at the work centres. The work centres are the clinics/hospitals where a student is attached. Kindly make sure that you have a work centre where you can practice your skills. Majority of consumables including implants for practice in the programme study centres will be provided in the programme study centres.

However, the students are expected to get their own kit (set of instruments and some consumables) as a mandatory requirement for taking admission to the programme. If they fail to do so the first day of the contact session, they may be debarred from taking the practicals. The list of the instruments and consumables in the kit will be provided in the offer letter.

The theoretical component would be provided by IGNOU. The practical and clinical training will be provided in the dental colleges. These are fully equipped clinics or centres, which provide outdoor patient facilities.There will be internal assessment both in theory and practical. A term end examination will also be held at the end of one year.

The University provides reservation of seats for Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, non creamy layer of OBCs, War widows, Kashmiri migrants and Physically Handicapped learners, as per the Government of India rules, for various programmes of the University. Wherever the reserved seats remain vacant, the same will be filled by the general category students who are wait-listed.

Study Material and Assignments

The University sends study materials and assignments, wherever prescribed, to the students by registered post and if a student does not receive the same for any reason whatsoever, the University shall not be held responsible for that. In case a student wants to have assignments, he can obtain a copy of the same from the Study Centre or Regional Centre or may download it from the IGNOU website In case non-receipt of study material students are required to write to concerned Regional Centre IGNOU.


IGNOU Degrees/Diplomas/Certificates are recognized by all member Universities of Association of Indian Universities (AIU) and are at par with Degrees/Diplomas/Certificates of all Indian. Universities/Institutions, as per UGC Circular letter No. F.1-52/2000(CPP-II) dated 5th May, 2004, AIU Circular No. EV/11(449/94/176915-177115 dated January 14, 1994 and AICTE Circular No. AICTE/Academic/MOU-
DEC/2005 dated May 13, 2005.
This article should answer all your doubts regarding the IGNOU EXAMS. Before ending the article some other crucial links.
For your information some old links with question papers

N.B. There were infos that IGNOU has cancelled the dental diploma courses. For the year 2012 courses were there. IGNOU was going through certain revisions.There is no official news that the Dental Diploma Courses have been stopped permanently. So, keep a track in the news paper for the openings. Openings are usually published in the month of January to February.

Currently the courses stand cancelled

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