

On a world scale dental quackery is most prevalent in Asian Countries. This is mostly because of low awareness regarding oral health.
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#1.The Holy Sidewalk Dentist Baba from Varanasi

Source : Dave Adair Photography

These photographs were taken around 6 years back by Dave Adair on his trip to India.

Here the dentist quacks duo provide dentures and extract in their road side shop.

Just have a look at the entire sequence of procedures that were snapped by Dave Adair.

The Patient before treatment

Dentist Baba 1 preparing & shaping the denture on road with non dentist tools

Happy Patient

Dentist Baba No.2 Giving LA for extraction

As per the author – He pulls out the heavy artillery, and the girl isn’t even sitting down – she’s squatting as Mr. Less-Colorful-Dentist CRANKS on her tooth.We don’t know why she didn’t faint, because we almost did.

Extraction Done

In the words of the author – She used a plastic bucket to rinse out her bloody mouth and spit into the gutter. But she doesn’t look any worse for the wear – and she said it didn’t hurt. She looks older, but she’s only 14.

See Next : Dental Quack Shop In Delhi

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