India & Australia match is on full swing right now.
As I am sitting in my Room & watching the cricket match – and cheering every success of Indian team, mind goes back to the good old college days in my dental college.
I used to stay in stay in hostel with all my best friends.
In the TV room there used to be one small portable colour Television with a good old cable connection as we were not allowed to have a DTH connection by the hostel warden.
But watching cricket matches in that big hostel room with a small colour TV is still one of the best cherished memories of Dental College Days.
Any day when India was playing a cricket match … it was like a carnival. If it was a day night match or especially a T 20 match it was like we have been offered buckets of sweets.
The entire hostel watching the cricket match together in the hall is still one of the most unifying momemt in hostel life.
That was the time when there was no senior & no junior. All were just Indian Team Fans.
Bleed Blue
Arguing why this player is better than that : )
Each Four And Six Was Cheered … Yay !!!!!
Each Indian Wicket gone … Oh Nooo ….
The Full on swearing … #*#*, ###***#
Its was nothing less than watching the match in a stadium
And when Indian Finally wins the game … the sound of celebration goes very very far.
Good Old College Days !!!
So where are you watching the match now ?
If you are watching it in Hostel now, then enjoy it thoroughly.
These are some of the best times in Dental college days.
Or are you the one like me, who is missing the good old days.
By the Way here is the latest score of India-Australia match